Users listed in blue are the current point leaders for their match. Users listed in red do not have enough games remaining to catch the point leader in their match. Users listed in black can catch the point leader. Users listed in green cannot be passed by any other players in their match. Lines with a grey background are matches where the result is determined. Lines with dark grey background are matches where all games are completed.

The numbers next to players names are the number of points won, the number of games finished, and the number of games remaining.

The original rules page is available here

Round 3

5 players in 1 matches.
m1578112898rosenmud 7:8:0idontcastle 6:8:0cnita 5:8:0munbehend 1:8:0katagamsky 1:8:0  20 of 20 finished

Round 2

33 players in 5 matches.
m1563121547rosenmud 9.5:10:0battousai 8:10:0jpost 6.5:10:0vhilts 3:10:0phoenixd 3:10:0alanwsp 0:10:0 30 of 30 finished
m1563121548idontcastle 10:10:0angelofthenight 6.5:10:0dutchessking 6:10:0jasperchess 5.5:10:0zamakorentu 2:10:0jparkinson 0:10:0 30 of 30 finished
m1563121549munbehend 10:12:0sasikumar 9.5:12:0cadam 9.5:12:0rickdragon 7:12:0ruymoultor 3:12:0jlbaf 2:12:0jjrizzo 1:12:042 of 42 finished
m1563121550cnita 9.5:12:0chesspal 8:12:0gcohen 7.5:12:0eraymond 6:12:0boeien 6:12:0pcmvr 5:12:0agostinhoarruda 0:12:042 of 42 finished
m1563121551katagamsky 9.5:12:0nandor 9:12:0hatsek 7.5:12:0georgedimitrov 7:12:0ppost 5.5:12:0szimoneta 3.5:12:0rthurc 0:12:042 of 42 finished

Round 1

The following players are finalists in the 2018 tournament and receive a bye in to round 2:
rosenmud hatsek idontcastle munbehend cnita katagamsky eraymond rickdragon
89 players in 22 matches.
m1549812470chesspal 5.5:6:0rstilt 4.5:6:0cborri 2:6:0sbderkach 0:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812471jasperchess 6:6:0gmiller 3.5:6:0rhand 2:6:0smoothoperator 0.5:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812472jparkinson 6:6:0alaamattar 3:6:0miodrag 2:6:0dixsept 1:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812473nandor 6:6:0hikaruz 3:6:0samyaksamadhi 2:6:0rpanugaling 1:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812474angelofthenight 6:6:0pwillows 4:6:0gfry 2:6:0stuartsut 0:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812475rthurc 5:6:0jjrizzo 5:6:0ogalpha 2:6:0pallen 0:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812476jlbaf 6:6:0bgnagy 4:6:0bonaparte 2:6:0hricketts 0:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812477pcmvr 6:6:0jvanmechelen 4:6:0tomy 2:6:0siggidd 0:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812478agostinhoarruda 6:6:0dsteel 4:6:0u 1:6:0brianep 1:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812479jpost 6:6:0ringo 4:6:0valerypavlovich 1.5:6:0mpopp 0.5:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812480zamakorentu 6:6:0vaingrecsky 3:6:0mi 3:6:0baumel 0:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812481alanwsp 5:6:0rollerblade 4.5:6:0jswords 2.5:6:0redketchuplover 0:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812482georgedimitrov 6:6:0tche 4:6:0gregorgysi 2:6:0johnwinston 0:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812483vhilts 5.5:6:0fishmooney 3:6:0petre 3:6:0ramesis 0.5:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812484battousai 6:6:0jromero 4:6:0mrcsharp 2:6:0rsca 0:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812485boeien 4.5:6:0dutchessking 4.5:6:0jeanlucb 2.5:6:0johnlittle 0.5:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812486gcohen 5:6:0sasikumar 5:6:0cirovicz 2:6:0nerox 0:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812487phoenixd 5.5:6:0bmurtinho 3.5:6:0ziggyblitz 3:6:0iplayer 0:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812488szimoneta 5.5:6:0selene 4.5:6:0gumshoe 2:6:0treverchess 0:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812489ruymoultor 6:6:0dmarsh 3.5:6:0cristero 2.5:6:0manishkhanchandani 0:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812490cadam 6:6:0jasperp 4:6:0olo 2:6:0ludger 0:6:0   12 of 12 finished
m1549812491ppost 8:8:0ctessman 6:8:0kmcpherson 4:8:0georginoh 2:8:0paull 0:8:0  20 of 20 finished